The Booty Shed
Private personal training, reformer Pilates, nutritional guidance, and behavior change coaching.
Located in Warren New Jersey.

Leave your info below and tell me a bit about yourself and your goals in the comment section. Once completed, you can expect a text from me within 48 hours…I can’t wait to meet you and start this journey ♡

Day of Delivery: July 21st 2021
I know, I know. You're probably thinking right now "okay but still, what the hell IS The Booty Shed, and why did she even think to buy a shed and call it that in the first place?!"
Well, I'll try to keep this as short as possible, but I will tell you.
If you look at the sun logo for The Booty Shed, you will see that every other beam is the same squiggly symbol. That symbol, is actually the Anorexia Nervosa Awareness symbol...and that sun logo has also been tattooed on my arm since 2018.
That is because, back in June of 2014, I was admitted to the hospital for the whole summer for anorexia nervosa. Thankfully, I recovered, not just physically but mentally. Unfortunately though, the majority of people who struggle with anorexia never fully recover mentally, and even if they gain back weight healthily, they will still never be able to fully have a healthy relationship with food or body image ever again.
I wanted to prove both to myself and my family that that was not the case for me; I believed in myself and knew I could get back into fitness but in a healthy way, not an obsessive way. And after years of hard work, I did...and that accomplishment led me to want to help others see fitness the way I was able to as well; no matter where you are in your fitness journey or what goals you have.
Fast forward to 2021, I got my personal training certification and having already had SOL.M the clothing brand, I decided I wanted to add fitness to my brand as well. This is when I took a look around my garage, thinking, "if I get some equipment, I can train people out of here!".
Luckily for me (which I did not think was lucky at the time), the squat rack I bought with my college graduation money off facebook marketplace did not fit in my garage, as the ceilings were way too low. I freaked out, cried, panicked, and thought "I cant even return this so what am I going to do!?". My mom told me to sell it, but I was way too determined to make it work; this is when I came up with the idea to order a custom shed.
At first, everyone was thinking it was too much and that I was acting way too in the moment just because of my stress, but I had such a vision for it that I could not change my mind; and off I went the very next day to Garden Oaks Sheds on Route 22. It was here that I came ready with the measurements of the squat rack, how big of a space i'd need to train people, what size windows i'd need to fit in an AC unit, and more.
Boom, it was ordered, a payment plan was set up, and the delivery date they gave me was July 21st 2021. I walked off that lot on 22 so so proud, immediately on cloud 9, eager to start changing peoples lives through fitness and wellness, and the very first time I referred to the shed, I called it The Booty Shed.
Fast Forward to today, The Booty Shed is my main job, I have so much new equipment, numerous new certifications with more on the way, and a society of Booty Shed clients that feel like family.
I could not be happier that my facebook marketplace squat rack did not fit in my garage, because The Booty Shed would have never been born.